Cerita Kami: Broga Hill, Sate, Waterfall, Karaoke - 1 night only...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Broga Hill, Sate, Waterfall, Karaoke - 1 night only...

toink-toinkk mulakan hari isnin anda dengan senyuman.. hehee
ok lets start our story. siapa pernh pergi Broga Hill?? (sila angkat tgn laju)

Broga Hill atau nama saintifik dia Bukit broga yang terletak di semenyih dan agak terkenal bg pengemar hicking ni. termasuklah ak sendiri..hehee apa ingat girl-girls x boleh hicking2. (jgn pandang ku sebelah mata) kalau aktiviti outdoor ni serahkan pada ku. (over pulak)

ok nak dipanjatkan story dia, kami bukan je g Broga Hill je hari tu. dari Karaoke Ioi Mall - Bukit Broga - Waterfall - satay. hah ambik ko. 4 tempat dalm 1 hari. kecian kat driver kami. sory akk pjote. hehee

pagi sebelum ke Broga kami sempat untuk berkaraoke di Ioi Mall sekitar pukul 12am- 3am.. apa nk jadi lah ngan kami nie ye.. maaf gambar di karaoke xde. maka nya akk peah belanja uolss gambar kat Broga je k. hehe x moh nages-nages.

ok selesai je sesi berkaraoke kami ke Semenyih. sebelum naik tentu lah kne siap-siap dulu. org semangat nak berhicking-hicking kan. ok settle tukar baju, n solat semua kami menuju ke Broga Hill. the first thing kami buat dlu, cri parking n panaskan badan dlu tulang-tulang yang dah lama x beraksi ni. ok siap semua teruskan misi mendaki.. ok lupa pulak kak peah parking korang kena bayar. 1 kereta dalam rm 2 ke rm3 macam tu. satu lagi pesanan penaja, seelok-eloknya korang bawak lah lampu suluh. xkan nak mendaki dalam gelap-gelap pulak kan.

Disebabkan Broga Hill ni popular sekarang so makin ramai lah pendaki-pendaki yang ada. agak sesak dengan ribuan manusia di Broga Hill. Untuk sampai ke puncak Broga Hill mengambil masa sekitar 45 Minit. so korang pastikan stamina korang semua kuat ok.. 

Semasa kami mendaki dekat Broga Hill terdapat 4 platform yang korang boleh berhenti dan bergambar. so jangan lah lepaskan peluang yang ada ni. (selfie1kali)  

Bagi mereka kat luar sana yang baru pertama kali nak memanjat Broha Hill pastikan korang memakai kasut serta baju yang bersesuaian. xkan nak mendaki pkai baju nak pergi dinner pulak kan. hehee, selamat mencuba !!

What to prepare before hiking Broga Hill?

Check weather forecast. If the whole week's weather forecast saying there will be thunderstorm, reschedule your plan as it is dangerous to hike under the rain. The ground will become very slippery or landslide might occur too. Go visit Broga Hill especially when sunny day is promised.
The right sport shoes that gives you good grip on the land or mud (especially during/after rain). Don't ever wear your expensive branded shoes here if you don't want any mud/stain get on your new shoes haha. However, make sure your shoes is durable for the hike as I saw some people left their broken shoes soles on the way =.="
Bright torch light. Make sure you have one good torch light that can illuminate your way as the place could be very dark especially when the moon wasn't in the sky. Or else, you can actually see the track on a fullmoon night.
A bottle of water and perhaps with some snacks. Bring your own plain water (500ml/1 Litre) depends on your body requirement. You will definitely feel thirsty when you reach the peak of Broga Hill. You can bring along energy/chocolate bar as you will feel hungry after the 20-40 minutes hike.
PS: Do not litter at this place, always keep your empty bottle and packaging in your bag and find the dustbin when you are down hill.
- A spare T-Shirt/pants as you don't want to get back to your car with your sweat/mud stain on it. It is better to wear your sport wear. Something that's good with sweat perspiration. And yes, try not to wear white shirt/pant as it is hard to remove once the mud get into it.
Have a good sleep. You will need to have a good rest as it provide enough stamina for this hike to Broga Hill. Or else, you might feel dizzy or even feel like vomit on the half way and eventually give up =(
Towel and rain coat (Optional). If you sweat a lot, make sure to bring a towel as well. If the weather forecast telling you there might be a rain, bring the rain coat to protect your camera gears.

(copy paste dr rakan blog yg lain)

sekitar Pukul 7 pagi

kak piuh yeah-- maaf gmbr saya xde. peace


sesi Mandi Manda Bermula..
cik Faizah what r u doing??

Cik Pjote mkan roti ye

satay kami makan lepas pulang dr waterfall

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